Champignon's Road

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Champignon's Road is a secret level at The Top of the Tower that is unlocked after getting a P Rank in The Crumbling Tower of Pizza. Until Pizza Time, the level seems to take place entirely within space. After hitting Pillar John, however, the player is transported to an Eggplanet. Getting both P Ranks in Champignon's Road unlocks Stew Zone. This level is getting reworked in Scoutdigo v2.0.


The level contains the following enemies:

  • Cheeseslime
  • Forknight
  • U.F.Olive
  • Pineacool
  • Bandito Chicken
  • Pizza Slug
  • Peppino Clone
  • Flying Anchovy
  • Pizzaboy
  • Pencer
  • Swedish Monkey
  • Pepperoni Goblin
  • Cannon Pizza Goblin
  • Totem Cloud
  • Gabaghoul
  • Pizzard
  • Pepperoni Goblin Bat
  • Spit Cheese
  • Tribe Cheese
  • Pizza Soldier
  • Peppibot
  • Camembert Squire
  • Ninja Slice
  • Ghost King
  • Olive Trooper
  • Portrait Ghost
  • Kentucky Bomber
  • Ranch Shooter
  • Bad Rat
  • Fake Santa
  • Mushroom Ghost
  • Potato Farmer
  • Eggplantmobile
  • Ghostknight
  • Noise Goblin
  • Cheese Toppin Monster
  • Pickle
  • Giant Slime
  • Golf Demon
  • Captain Pizza Goblin
  • Shrimp Thug
  • Pizzice
  • Snowman
  • Mini John
  • Pizza Box Goblin
  • Kentucky Kenny
  • Treasure Chest Guy
  • Burger Golfer
  • Noisey
  • Weenie
  • Clownmato
  • Big Cheese


  • Ball
  • Knight
  • Firebutt
  • Weenie Mount
  • Squished
  • Meteor
  • Firemouth
  • Rocket
  • Ghost
  • Animatronic (Peshino)
  • Cheeseball
  • Barrel
  • Boxxed


  • Dash Pad
  • Ramp
  • Grind Rail
  • Present Box
  • Cobweb

(there's more i forgot to list)




In the second room of the level, "Turn Around", the Mushroom Toppin can be found near the end on the bottom path.


In the room "The Squire Returneth", once you fall down into the pit with the Timed Gate Button, climb up the ladder. You'll have to take out the Ninja Slice guarding it first.


In the room "Another Man's Treasure", you'll need to bring the Gnome Pizza to the Blacksmith Gnome at the end of the room. This shouldn't be a problem if you're going fast.


In the room "Yeeowch That's Hot!", you will see the Sausage Toppin just after killing two Flying Anchovies.


The Pineapple Toppin can be found at the end of the room "You're Winner!". It's hard to miss unless you jump.


First Secret

In the room with the Mushroom Toppin, before reaching the end of the room, run left and jump into the wall with the big collectible. The first secret, "Parry Them Parry Them Parry Them" revolves around the fact that you can parry Pizza Cutters in order to temporarily disable them (as indicated by the blade portion falling off).

Second Secret

In the room "Alas, The King Comes Out to Play" (after the room with the Cheese Toppin), you'll need to jump over the Giant Outlet and onto the platform with slopes just to its left. From there, you need to run into the wall in order to reach the Secret Eye. The secret itself, "September Build Level Design", makes heavy use of Chicago Pizzas. You'll need to platform across them in order to reach the Secret Eye and exit the secret.

Third Secret

In the room "Seeing Stars", after switching to Gustavo, avoid jumping on the Present Box. Instead, you'll need to bounce up the walls in order to reach the Secret Eye. To make it easier, you can fly with Gustavo and Brick by double jumping then immediately pressing Defaults to XSlap. In the secret, "Brick Look Out!", you're chased by a Tomato Toppin Monster (v1.2 only) Cheese Toppin Monster (v1.2.3+ CE only). Getting caught will result in Gustavo turning into an animatronic for a few seconds. Due to a bug with the Animatronic transformation, you are not put back at the start of the room. When coming out of the secret, hold Left to avoid falling off the level.

Tower Secret Treasure


Gerome can be found in the room "The Squire Returneth", just above the Cheese Toppin. You'll need to climb the wall in order to reach him.

Gerome Door

The Gerome Door can be found in the room "Cutting The Cheese", just after switching back to Peppino. The Treasure itself is an eggplant, with the Treasure Room's name being "The End All Be All Of Placeholders", likely referring to the fact that all of the Treasure Rooms just have placeholder names for the time being.


  • The level's name is a combination of "champignon" (a type of mushroom) and "champion's road".
  • Near the end, there's a room with a large amount of collectibles that spell out "CONGLATURATION". The misspelling could be a reference to the NES game Ghostbusters' end credits, while the collectibles themselves might be referencing Super Mario World's stage "Funky".
  • The secrets in this level are three of the few rooms that house the Giant Pizza Collectible.



Level gate assets.


