Attack Styles

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Attack Styles are a feature in Scoutdigo that change up how you play. There are three main attack styles and three side attack styles, making nine different movesets. Attack styles only work as Peppino, The Noise, Pogo Noise, and Pizzelle. They can be changed by either going into Modded Options or by pressing the Home or End keys.

Main Attack Styles

There are three main attack styles activated with the Defaults to XSlap key: Grab, Shoulder Bash, and Pummel.


Grab is the default main attack style. Upon pressing the Defaults to XSlap key, the player will lunge forward, picking up the first enemy in their path (assuming the enemy hasn't already hurt the player). They can then throw the enemy, or suplex it by pressing Down in midair.

Shoulder Bash

Shoulder Bash is the second attack style. Upon pressing the Defaults to XSlap key, the player will charge forward. If they come in contact with an enemy, they will damage said enemy and bounce off of them. If the player is using Shoulder Bash, they cannot uppercut midair.


Pummel is the third attack style. It allows the player to stay in mid air while lunging forward. If the player lunges at a enemy, they will stun them. If the player repeatedly presses or holds the Defaults to XSlap key they will barrage the enemy with a flurry of attacks before defeating them. It is also possible to long jump out of a mid air Pummel, allowing for flight if used correctly.

Side Attack Styles

There are three side attack styles activated with the Defaults to AShoot key: Breakdance, Kung-Fu, and ChainsawPistol.


Kung-Fu is the first side attack style. Upon pressing the Defaults to AShoot key while grounded, the player will do a short slide forward while in a Kung-Fu pose. This will damage or defeat enemies. If performing Kung-Fu in midair, the player will move in an arch similar to a long jump, but will still defeat enemies like a grounded Kung-Fu attack would. If a player slams into a wall while a Kung-Fu attack, they will bounce backwards off of it.


ChainsawPistol is the second side attack style. It gives the player access to the Pizzacutter Chainsaw and a Pistol. By pressing Defaults to AShoot the player will use the Pizzacutter chainsaw to charge forward and quickly reach Mach 3. By pressing Up and Defaults to AShoot the player will fire the revolver, launching a bullet forwards. Both have limited uses, as each time one is used, it uses up one canister of fuel or one bullet respectively. More cans of fuel and bullets can occasionally be dropped by defeated enemies.


Breakdance is the third side attack style. It allows the player to breakdance by pressing Defaults to AShoot, making the player slide forwards. This can damage enemies. If the player presses Defaults to AShoot while already breakdancing, they will launch themselves forward with immense force. If the they hit a wall while in this state, they will bounce off of it. The player can also uppercut during a breakdance by pressing Up. If they WALK forward (walk, not run), press Defaults to AShoot twice and then hold the Run button, they will nearly instantly enter mach 4. This is called a Breakdance Cancel. It is also possible to do a Uppercut Breakdance Cancel by doing the method for a normal Breakdance cancel, but by pressing Up and then holding the run button.