Chef tasks

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Chef tasks are addistonal achievements that the player can complete, there are 4 per level (3 From base game and 1 additional by the community)

Medieval complex

name where how notes
John Gutted

Spr achievement entrance 0.png

John gutter Destroy all the Dead John Blocks in John Gutter. note no.1
Let's Make This Quick

Spr achievement entrance 1.png

Finish John Gutter in under two minutes. note no.2
Primate Rage

Spr achievement entrance 2.png

Get a combo of 137 or more in the first 2 laps of John Gutter. the achievement needs more combo then in the base game due to the enemies re-appearing on lap 2 onwards
Running In Circles


Complete 5 laps of John Gutter. note no.4