Infinite Speed

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Infinite Speed is a hidden unlockable feature in Scoutdigo. Infinite Speed's main effect is removing the Player's maximum speed limit, allowing for very high speeds. it is unlocked after collecting all 37 key pieces, talking to Silver Cone Boy and restarting your Key Hunt progress. After which, it can be found in the 'Modded' section of the options menu. Infinite Speed was added in Scoutdigo v1.2.

A gif showing Pizzelle doing a breakdance cancel move in a third room of the Tower Lobby, then building up very high speeds throughout the two previous rooms and wall-jumping of a wall to keep a high seed, causing her to go just as fast on the way back.
An Example of the Infinite Speed feature with Pizzelle in the Tower Lobby

Unlocking Infinite Speed

Infinite Speed can be unlocked through finding the hidden 37th key of the Key Hunt and talking to Silver Cone Boy in the Void Room. Silver Cone Boy will ask if the player would like to "start anew". Selecting 'no' doesn't do anything, but selecting 'yes' will cause a white fade to start appearing. Once the screen has turned white, it will fade back to a now frozen version of the Void Room where everything has been turned to stone. All user inputs do not do anything while the game is in this state, which means the player must force close the game by ending the task in Task Manager, clicking the 'X' in the top right of the window, or using Alt+F4.

This gif shows the Player (Peppino) talking to Silver Cone Boy in the Void Room. Silver Cone Boy asks the Player "would you like to go back and start anew". The player selects yes, which causes a white fade to start enveloping the screen and the Player starts trying to run away. When the fade is finished, it fades back into the scence where everything has been frozen to stone.
An example showing what happens when the player selects 'yes' when talking to Silver Cone Boy.

When the game is re-opened, all Key Hunt progress will be reset, but on the save file where you talked to Silver Cone Boy, you will have 'Infinite Speed' available in the 'Modded' section of the Options Menu. The option also features the description: "BLACK AND WHITE CLEAR AS CRYSTAL". This is a reference to a scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.


As implied by the name, the main function of Infinite Speed is removing the limit on the Player's maximum speed limit. This however, doesn't work on certain moves such as Pogo Noise's mid-air jetpack or Gustavo and Brick's Mach Run.

Another Feature of Infinite Speed is the increase in the speed of the slam move. Using this faster slam on a slope will cause a large speed increase. This can be used by the Player to very quickly gain very high speed quickly.

Infinite Speed also features a extra quirk where if you are using the Nja09 palette as Pizzelle while using Infinite Speed, your speed will not be reset to the default cap when jumping off walls.

A gif of the Player (Peppino) in the first room of Golf using a slam on a slope with Infinite Speed enabled, causing them to gain very high speeds.
Using the faster slam on a slope can get you top speed very quickly!


  • There is a bug where turning on Infinite Speed in Modded options then quitting out of the menu and going back will set Infinite Speed to "Off". This is only a visual bug and is fixed in Scoutdigo v1.2.3 CE.