
From Pizza Tower Scoutdigo Wiki
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user is a self-proclaimed Dumbass
(though not really, this is just trying to be funny.)

meeeee :3

howdy, i'm jay! or june, whichever you wanna call me. i use they/them pronounce, my extended zodiac sign is virius, and feel free to check out my website, or maybe my tumblr or twitter i dont really post on.
so i've made basically the whole palettes page (intro, custom palettes, peppino, noise, and pizzelle bits) and thats about it

GameBro 4,132 Scoutdigo Shareware Demo

The following content is Not part of any real Scoutdigo version. It is Fake and Made for fun. GameBro 4,132 Scoutdigo Shareware Demo is Not a real demo.