
From Pizza Tower Scoutdigo Wiki
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This version of Pizzaface is a character in Scoutdigo.


Pizzaface's appearance is mostly the same as the final, unmodded version of Pizza Tower, except his size is about the same as his old design seen in builds up until the Eggplant Build.

In Death Mode, his face is the same as in the intro of the final version of Pizza Tower. He is constantly smiling, his nose is a tomato, and his eyes are pepperoni slices.


Like Pizza Tower, he will constantly chase the player after the Pizza Time timer hits 0. But here in Scoutdigo, his physics are different. Instead of always having the player's exact location, he slingshots towards them while homing in on them. This does mean the player can dodge him by simply jumping over him.


Regular animations

Death Mode

In-game miscellaneous
