Death Mode

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Death Mode is one of the main features of Scoutdigo and is an unlockable mode that is available upon obtaining a C Rank in Normal Mode for a given level. It is only available in regular levels and not in arenas or The Crumbling Tower of Pizza.

The player seen selecting Death Mode in front of the level gate for John Gutter.


A short gameplay segment of Death Mode in Gnome Forest.

Death Mode has quite a few notable differences from Normal Mode, the most obvious being the fact that Pizzaface will be active throughout the whole level. The other notable difference is the addition of a timer at the bottom of the screen that will continue to count down throughout the entire level. Throughout the level, Pizzaface will follow you around, however he is relatively slow and in a fairly docile state indicated by his smiley face sprite. Upon the timer reaching 0 Pizzaface will transform into his typical appearance and move around much faster in pursuit of the player. The timer can be increased however by picking up the clock collectibles scattered around the level, which each grant 10 additional seconds of time, or by knocking down Pillar John, who grants 30 extra seconds. If the time is increased after the timer has already reached 0 then the time will be set to the exact amount of time that was granted and Pizzaface will revert back to his docile state.

Other more minor differences are the lack of secret eyes, Gerome, and the lap portal, which means secrets, the tower secret treasure, and lapping are not possible through normal means in Death Mode. All enemies are also in their elite state permanently during Deathmode and also have three health.

P-Rank Requirements

The requirements for a P-Rank are relatively simple compared to a regular P-Rank. The player is only required to collect the 5 Toppins, obtain enough points for an S Rank, and not let Pizzaface enter his enraged state.






  • The smiley Pizzaface is usually referred to as "Gooch", likely because of the cheat titled "Gooch Mode" that allows the player to parry Pizzaface. However, the official name of the smiley Pizzaface is "Happyface".
  • When the player enters a level in Deathmode, Pizzaface's laugh will play after the normal titlecard jingle.
  • It is possible to glitch Death Mode into The Crumbling Tower of Pizza, however, the Death Mode P-Rank is impossible, as there are no Toppins or Clocks located anywhere in the level.
    • The Crumbling Tower of Pizza's Death Mode S-Rank is obtainable because of Gooch Mode and the Breakdance move.
  • According to the third devlog, Death Mode isn't present in The Noise and The Vigilante save files, along with other modded content.